Whateley Academy Wiki

Sam's open house. Olympia tries to force Sam to give her the apartment, and Sam teaches her a lesson.[1]

Samantha has a bit of a problem after she goes to sleep; Sara is called in to do some telepathic therapy.[2]

Becca gives Chou her most onerous task: to break the block to her ability to access the Tao, she must kill a specific person. Becca explains what will happen if she does not. When she returns to Poe, the nightmares from the Tong of the Black Madonna resume. Heyoka eventually traces its target, and informs the rest of the Dream Team using Thunderbird's reversed speech.[3]

In New York: Family Services tries to take Kerry.[4]

In Rome, Italy. Petra is separated from Fr. Darcy, spends a few hours waiting on the MCO and then discovers that the travel arrangements seem to have been screwed up. She's picked up by Vatican Security and then has a car chase involving the DeVille Academy in the person of The Specter, also a possible second pursuer.[5]

Father Trovatti, the person who is supposed to be one of her contacts, has also forgotten about her. After some discussion she calls Eloise and then Fr. Rico from Connor Betancourt's office (Vatican Security). They go to investigate the Knights' building (the Rose Palace), which is across the court from the Vatican Library and is apparently uninhabited. She has a long conversation with Bishop Aldridge, who is dealing with a vampire problem. They determine that there may be a problem with protecting the Pope on his trip to Turkey.[6]


See Also[]
