Whateley Academy Wiki

Pearlescent (real name unknown) is a student at Whateley.


She has a shimmering, nacreous PK skinfield similar to Mirror, except that she can turn hers off. When she turns her PK field on a shimmering, opalescent color covers her and her clothing, giving her an instant costume change along with some limited PK supergirl powers. She can't fly, but she can lift between two and a half and three tons.[1]


She's an upperclassman Fall 2006.[1]

She attends the January 2007 Golden Kids meeting with Tidewater. And waxed most lyrical when he begged off of Ayla's party invite; 'Please Come to Boston' gently sung.[1]

She and Tidewater have a large bet between themselves concerning Ayla's party in Boston.[2] While that went down, they partook of the bookies' planned entertainment, Texas Hold'em, and did very well for themselves.[3] The bookies referred to them as "whales", implying they're very big fish indeed.

The impression is that she and Tidewater are well matched; she may qualify for Golds membership in her own right, not just tagging along as Tidewater's girlfriend. She hasn't been introduced as a representative of a moneyed clan, however.


